Strategic management is a combination between state-of-the-art and science in formulating, implementing, and evaluating cross-functional decisions, which allow an organization to obtain its future objectives. Strategic management indirectly integrates marketing, financial, production, research and development management as well as computer-based information system to support the organization’s success.
Strategic management allows the organization to perform and to develop agribusiness and agrindustrial efforts pursuant to Indonesian agricultural concept of harmony, natural, and sustainable. The information and communication technology aid with global orientation is necessary while environment sustainability and local wisdom still become the supreme priority.
CV BANYUMILI NGUNDHUH REJEKI has formulated effective and sustainable agribusiness planning as follows:
1. Production aspect; raw materials availability (quantity, quality, and sustainability).
2. Distribution aspect; competitiveness.
3. Technological aspect; efficiency-oriented technological advance.
4. Social aspect; civil society empowerment and employment.